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sos rybny ze sfermentowanych ryb (używany w kuchni starożytnego Rzymu) 学び始める
Still, fish sauce and garum are much different from anchovies.
roślina strączkowa, drgać, TĘTNIC 学び始める
Your eyelid always pulses when you lie. My muscles pulse after a hard training. The landscape was pulsing with life.
sztuka ozdobnego strzyżenia krzewów i drzew 学び始める
the art of cutting bushes into attractive shapes, especially of animals and birds, or bushes shaped in this way. The garden is in the arts and crafts style, and features topiary, a long border, an orchard and a wild flower meadow.
potok, przypływ, atak, fala, napływ 学び始める
Residents fled the onrush of the floodwaters. Nothing was important but to give in again to the onrush of his mouth. Their Boston winter world was being overtaken by the onrush of time.
gromadzić, zbierać, zdobywać (np. informacje) 学び始める
to collect information in small amounts and often with difficulty I am not able to glean any useful information from the producer's site. They're leaving on Tuesday - I managed to glean that much (from them).
zwiększyć, podwyższyć (np. tempo produkcji w fabryce; podskoczyć, skoczyć (np. akcje w firmie) 学び始める
to increase the speed, power, or cost of something Announcement of the merger is expected to ramp up share prices over the next few days. Mitsubishi has ramped up the speed of its new micro-controllers. Most countries, including the United States, have also ramped down since the cold war.
rzucić coś (jakąś pracę); dużo znaczeń 学び始める
sling She chucked a glass into the wall. I chucked my job yesterday. Chuck some beans in the soup.
Must is a freshly pressed fruit juice. The must comes from the old and dirty rags on the floor.
złowróżbny, złowieszczy (pompatyczny, uroczysty) 学び始める
too serious and trying to be very important. Portentous events, statements, or signs are important because they show that something unpleasant is very likely to happen: The problem with the book is that it sometimes descends into portentous philosophizing. The report contains numerous portentous references to a future environmental calamity. Everything seemed portentous, though of what no one could say.
He had an internal haemorrhage, we're very sorry. The cause of her death was a brain haemorrhage.
a very happy or successful period in the past: She recalled the halcyon days of her youth. a halcyon era following the American Civil War
heaping. (of a spoon or plate) containing as much as possible: Add a heaped teaspoonful of sugar.
a situation in which people laugh very loudly and think something is very funny What was all the hilarity about?
peklowane mięso, wędlina, Speking 学び始める
it has undergone a process of preservation through methods such as salting, smoking, or drying Examples of these products include cooked ham, sausages, bacon
mieć sens, być logicznym, być prawdziwym 学び始める
This doesn't hold water, can you explain it again?
łajdak 学び始める
zrobić na bóstwo, wystroić 学び始める
to make someone or something look more attractive or impressive Tried to gussy it up with political motivation. The museum will put finishing touches on new exhibits and gussy up old ones in time for the grand reopening. He was all gussied up in a jacket and frilled shirt.
lewd. containing humorous remarks about sex:
a long, loose, usually black piece of clothing worn especially by priests Village cures in their black cassocks and shovel hats, and monks in sandals and brown woollen robes, were everywhere.
ponowne poświęcenie, wykorzystanie 学び始める
a ceremony in which a building or other structure is formally declared for the second, third, etc. time to have a particular purpose, such as to honour a person, group, or god: A commemoration and re-dedication service will be held in the new school. The rededication was held in honour of all veterans.
What does a young wench like you need with more?
Serve with a side dish of garlicky green beans. Hot, garlicky air escaped as he started inside. garlicky breath could kill a vampire
I need fabric with a plaid pattern.
/sau/. not to confuse with sow/sēw/
akcent (zazwyczaj irlandzki lub szkocki) 学び始める
Brosnan speaks with an accent that’s a fusion of his own silvery brogue and a gruff drawl. His voice held more than a bit of a brogue.
opowiedzieć się za czymś, związać się z czymś, obierać (np. za ideą, z partią polityczną, sposób życia) 学び始める
to become involved with or support an activity or opinion. come out in favour of Vegetarianism is one cause she does not espouse. For myself, I espouse the middle position, whatever that may be.
a very poor person A penance which hypothecated payments for the upkeep of paupers or priests was imaginative and peculiarly appropriate in the fight against heresy
unable to empty your bowels as often as you should: If you ate more fibre you wouldn't get constipated.
siarkawy; jadowity, kąśliwy, nieprzyjemny (o osobie, o sposobie bycia) 学び始める
moim zdaniem (spoken language) 学び始める
For my money, Wayne puts on the best show in town. for my money the choice is obvious
ironicznie, żartobliwie, z przekąsem 学び始める
Your tongue-in-cheek comments are sometimes annoying. She fell in love with his tongue-in-cheek humour.
The main course was a pork roast stuffed with prunes. You don't like her but it doesn't mean that you can roast her.
He saved a bunch of grapes for later. I ate a bunch of bananas.
any of a large group of cells found mostly on the tongue that allow different tastes to be recognized
przyjacielska więź między mężczyznami 学び始める
a close, friendly, but not sexual relationship between two men The two men apparently struck up a bromance while working on the movie set together.
potrawa z owoców morza mięsa 学び始める
a dish that includes lobster (= a sea creature with a long body covered with a hard shell, two large claws, and eight legs) and steak (= a large, flat piece of meat from a cow), or sometimes similar foods: It was without doubt the best surf and turf I have ever tasted. The surf 'n' turf combo was substantial and satisfying.
She had to put her ring in pawn to pay the bills. Of all items pawned, jewellery is the most common
(of a planet) similar to Earth extraterrestrial. terrestrial deity. the search for terrestrial planets
łuska, łupina; cień, wrak (człowieka 学び始める
hull When I first met him, he was very energetic. Now he is a husk of a man. My son, by contrast, had nothing much to report, just a couple of old egg husks.
rodzaj patelni, blacha do pieczenia na wolnym ogniu 学び始める
a round, flat piece of metal used for cooking over a fire or cooker
a small piece of rubber, plastic, wood, etc. that fits into a hole in order to close it
zakątek, okolica; czyjeś rewiry 学び始める
surroundings someone's neck of the woods
Then at the other side there’s the sweet, tanginess from the cream. This is a mild cheese but has a nice tanginess
przykrywać, pokrywać, zakrywać 学び始める
to cover or surround something or someone completely: The nuclear waste is encased in concrete before being sent for storage in disused mines.
connected with animals from the cattle group: a bovine virus. He had a gentle, slightly bovine expression.
cattle 学び始める
Latin peculium, which means "private property," are related to the Latin noun for cattle, pecus. pecuniary needs pecuniary rewards. pecuniary aid pecuniary gifts. cattle were viewed as a trading commodity, and property was often valued in terms of cattle
łagodzić (ból), stanowić okoliczność łagodzącą (np. dla sądu) 学び始める
to reduce the bad effects of something. to reduce pain without curing its cause They tried to palliate the hardship of their lives. The drugs palliate pain but have no effect on inflammation. He tried to palliate his guilt before you by involving me in its responsibility."
the sexual act in which a man puts his penis into a woman's vagina
relating to or smelling of musk (= a substance with a strong, sweet smell): Her skin had a warm musky odour.
upaść, zostać odrzuconym (np. o pomyśle 学び始める
Under time pressure, little adjustments are going by the wayside. In the end, many stood firm and kept what they wanted, but real reform went by the wayside. wayside shrines
Put all the ingredients in the food processor and blend it
He entered the room drunk and bottomless - everyone started laughing.
The secret ingredient in this dish is shallot.
przeglądać, przekartkować książkę 学び始める
Did you at least thumb through this book like I asked?
infirmity, physical weakness Is it surprising then that after such violent roles there follow relapses into feverishness and debility?
fałszerski (dodatek), rozcieńczający (środek) 学び始める
The scientists found an adulterant in samples.
harmonogram, kolejność, grafik 学び始める
a list of people's names, often with the jobs they have been given to do If you look on the duty roster, you'll see when you're working. shift list.
obsypać, skrapiać, zrosić 学び始める
but there was only a great wall of sooty darkness that reeked of acid smoke and billowed overhead to besprinkle Skama with black.
secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing: Joe surreptitiously had a look in the answer book. an audiotape of the surreptitiously recorded conversation
wypluwać (np. o autobusie "wypluwającym" z siebie ludzi); wymiotować zwracać literary 学び始める
to release large amounts of liquid, gas, or other contents: to send many people out of a place or vehicle at the same time: to force something up from the stomach and out through the mouth: The pipe was found to be disgorging dangerous chemicals into the sea. The delayed commuter train disgorged hundreds of angry passengers. Flies disgorge digestive fluid onto their food to soften it up.
to make something fuller or fatter She went round plumping up the cushions. Lips can be plumped up with injections.
I hope we can tie our project up by the end of the year.
zmysł, obycie; obeznany, kumaty, rozumny, bystry 学び始める
I'm glad we have a savvy guy like you on our payroll. My parents are truly eco savvy. My street savvy should not be taken lightly.
Though there were a number older than he, they acknowledged his chieftaincy. During this period efforts were made to define and protect chieftaincy.
a thin layer of something on a surface The first film is shabby. a film of smoke
wałęsać się, szwendać się 学び始める
to move slowly around or stand in a public place without an obvious reason. to go slowly, stopping often A gang of youths were loitering outside the cinema. Come straight home and don't loiter, Alan.
the human tongue has almost 6 thousand taste buds.
a thick substance in your nose and throat that is produced when you have a cold the theory of the four humors was quite prevalent among all classes of society in the date of antiquity, just as in the medieval period afterward.
If you say something tongue in cheek, you intend it to be understood as a joke, although you might appear to be serious He said that he was a huge fan of the president, although I suspect it was tongue in cheek.
dominujący smak (przytłaczający) 学び始める
too strong to be able to continue or resist. overwhelming Firefighters were driven back by the overpowering heat of the flames. There's an overpowering smell of garlic in the kitchen. He's suffering from overpowering feelings of guilt.
zapuszczony, obskurny (o miejscu), obdarty (o osobie) 🌻 学び始める
looking dirty or in bad condition and likely to be involved in dishonest or illegal activities: (SCRUFFY, sleazy, squalid) a seedy hotel He didn't like the look of the seedy characters who were hanging around outside the bar.
mijać (przyjęcie, spotkanie) 学び始める
How did your match pass off?
behaviour that is sexual, in a way that is uncontrolled and socially unacceptable: When it first came out, the novel was banned for licentiousness. Charles's reign ushered in a period of licentiousness.
mieszanka, pstrokacizna; SKŁADANKA PIOSENEK 学び始める
a mixture of different things, especially tunes put together to form a longer piece of music: a medley of popular tunes The menu described the dessert as "a medley of exotic fruits".
edible snail
słonawy (o wodzie); morska toń 学び始める
Briny water contains a lot of salt. She had briny lips. The briny was luring him.
a very alkaline substance, usually either sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, that is used to make soap and cleaning products, and also to preserve some types of food: Lye was the main ingredient in homemade soap of the era. Olives are often cured with lye to make them less bitter. The cinders falling into the water made a lye.
powątpiewający, wątpiący (okazujący wątpliwość; podejrzliwy 学び始める
But dubious or not, they pay to hear what he has to say. He gave me a dubious look but asked no questions.
evil and cruel: It's the story of a woman who plots a dastardly revenge on her unfaithful lover.
plastic wrap Cover the bowl with clingfilm and leave in a warm place for one hour.
gotować w małej ilości wody, mleka (dusić rybę); kraść (pomysły), kłusować 学び始める
to cook something such as a fish, or an egg with its shell removed, by putting it in gently boiling water or other liquid. to take and use for yourself unfairly or dishonestly something, usually an idea, that belongs to someone else: We had poached eggs for breakfast. Do you like pears poached in red wine?. to catch and kill animals without permission on someone else's land. Jeff always poaches my ideas, and then pretends that they're his own.
an adult female pig (sau)
to make or serve a meal: Come to the table everybody - I'm ready to dish (supper) up. What's the canteen dishing up for us today?
smród, smrodek (Am), pietr, cykor (Br) 学び始める
a strong offensive smell. a state of paralyzing fear His funk was all over the room. He got the usual kind of funk and ran away
a bowl with small holes in it, used for washing food or for emptying food into when it has been cooked in water: After four minutes, pour the pasta into a colander to drain.
to praise something or someone very much: exalt, praise, laud His book extolling the benefits of vegetarianism sold thousands of copies. extol the virtues of She is forever extolling the virtues of her children.
a large, flat, round fish with a long tail that has poisonous points on it
podłoże, podglebie, dno akwarium, substrat językowy (pierwotne podłoże językowe) 学び始める
a substance or surface that an organism grows and lives on and is supported by This makes some parts of the substrate higher than others. They live on substrates both above and below the water level.
goleń 🍖 podudzie, piszczel (u ludzi i zwierząt) 学び始める
a long, thin, straight part of particular objects, especially one that connects the end of a device or tool that you hold to the end of it that moves or does something. the leg of a person or animal, especially the part below the knee the shank of a screwdriver the shank of a key/nail. You can buy ready-to-use beef shanks from your supermarket. As he tottered across the stage I noticed how shrunken were his shanks, how feeble his voice.
pokajać się, pójść do Canossy 学び始める
to admit that you were wrong: After boasting that his company could outperform the industry's best, he's been forced to eat humble pie.
people of high social class, especially in the past: a member of the landed gentry (= those who own a lot of land)
natychmiast, bez dyskusji 学び始める
suddenly, without discussion or a legal process: He was summarily dismissed from his job. More than 50 other captured rebels were summarily executed
Even more than creature comforts, they should be on every car. I might as well have my creature comforts around me.
a substance that makes it easier for the waste from someone's bowels to come out Do not use a laxative without first talking to your doctor.
nieumiarkowanie zwłaszcza w piciu 学び始める
sickness caused by excess in drinking or eating. 2. gross intemperance, esp. in drinking.
narządy wewnętrzne; najważniejsze elementy czegoś 学び始める
the vital organs (= the main organs inside the body, such as the heart, lungs, and brain, that are necessary for life): the most important and central part of something: the vital signs He plunged the knife into the man's vitals and he was dead within seconds. The new law is intended to curb the drug addiction and trafficking that is eating into the vitals of the economy of the country.
przegrzebek (pływa w morzu) 学び始める
If your scallops are smaller, you can use two or three.
Vestments are saying something very important about our relationship with God.
lekceważą tradycyjne powitanie króla 学び始める
they flout the traditional welcoming of the king
By this time, most of the unit was on its feet, lined up with mess kits in hand.
samozatapiać (statek), rujnować (szanse na coś), niweczyć (czyjeś plany) 学び始める
to sink your own ship on purpose. to cause something such as a plan or an opportunity to fail Arriving late for the interview scuppered my chances of getting the job. The chance has been scuttled.
przetykaczka (np. do WC), tłok 学び始める
a suction device consisting of a cup-shaped piece of rubber on the end of a stick, used to get rid of things that are blocking pipes. a part of a device that you push down into it: He pressed down the plunger of his cafetière.
Which vegetables do you add to your potage? this pumpkin potage is absolutely fantastic. This godly ball-like vegetable adss so much flavor to it.
a male chicken that has had part of its sex organs removed to improve the taste of its flesh for food
jadowity zjadliwy (wirus) złośliwy 学び始める
A virulent disease or poison is dangerous and spreads or affects people very quickly. full of hate and violent opposition: A particularly virulent strain of flu has recently claimed a number of lives in the region. She is a virulent critic of US energy policy.
dziedziniec (w kształcie kwadratu) 学び始める
a square space outside with buildings on all four sides, especially in a school or college. quadrangle He can be seen everyday, running across the quad from one university building to another.
gryzący, drażniący (głos, dym) 学び始める
An acrid smell or taste is strong and bitter and causes a burning feeling in the throat: Clouds of acrid smoke issued from the building. And forgetting to keep the acrid note out of his voice.
dried maize that is boiled and eaten
wykluczanie mniejszości (np. z polityki, dyskusji, społeczeństwa 学び始める
the activity of trying to control who gets particular resources, power, or opportunities, and who does not: We are seeing the decline of cultural gatekeeping— the control over what is deemed worthy exerted by critics, educators, and so forth. Doctors who screen patients for clinical need provide a gatekeeping function for healthcare services.
to leave or go somewhere in a great hurry As soon as I heard he was coming I hightailed it out of there.
kondygnacja schodów, bieg schodów 学び始める
She's waiting for me at the bottom of the flight of steps
Pistachios are very expensive nuts.
bicie kijem w podeszwy stóp (jako kara bądź tortura 学び始める
a punishment consisting of beating the soles of the feet with a stick After their encounter with the bastinado they could, in any case, hardly stand.
a large bowl, usually with a lid, from which soup or vegetables are served The typical forms are bowls, tureens, high stands
uprawna odmiana jakiejś rośliny 学び始める
a variety (= type) of a plant that has been produced by breeding: Rice cultivars exist that are adapted to deep flooding. A local cultivar of banana was planted.
potomek, latorośl (pęd rośliny 学び始める
a young member of a rich and famous family: He's the scion of a very wealthy newspaper-publishing family.
marynować, peklować (np. jedzenie, aby zachować świeżość) 学び始める
rozdzielana The ham was cured and dispensed into packages.
tłusty, zatłuszczony, śliski (od tłuszczu). 2) pochlebczy 学び始める
oily, Unctuous people or behaviour expresses too much praise, interest, friendliness, etc., in a way that is false and unpleasant: his unctuous manner/voice/smile
próbować, kosztować (np. jedzenia) 学び始める
Would you care to sample my cupcakes?
niewytrwały człowiek, taper, co szybko się poddaje 学び始める
. This symbolizes the black people of Zimbabwe who are no quitters at anything they set their mind on.
przechodzić ludzkie pojęcie, wprawiać w osłupienie, zdumiewać 学び始める
to be especially annoying, surprising, etc. or to be the worst or best of its kind: And you say she's opening your letters now? Oh, that really takes the biscuit!
wypuścić, wpuścić (np. piłkę w meczu); niedołężnie obchodzić się z czymś, nieporadnie coś robić 学び始める
to do something awkwardly, especially when using your hands. in sport, to fail to hold on to the ball I fumbled with the lock. He fumbled in his pockets for some change. If Wilson hadn't fumbled that catch, we might have won the match.
głośno żuć, ciamkać potocznie ugryźć (coś lub kogos 学び始める
to chew food noisily He was chomping away on a bar of chocolate. There she sat, happily chomping her breakfast.
podlewać, dodawać wody (w trakcie gotowania, duszenia potraw) 学び始める
to pour hot fat and liquid over meat while it is cooking: Baste the turkey at regular intervals
osoba majstrująca (przy czymś), dłubiąca (przy czymś, majsterkowicz 学び始める
He was an early and enthusiastic tinkerer in the new American style. You're supposed to be the best tinkerers in the galaxy.
ubijać (np. śnieg, glebę), wtłoczyć, wypełniać, zapełniać (np. salę koncertową) 学び始める
I packed the ground around the tree. A huge crowd packed the hall.
appearing or claiming to be one thing when it is really something else: seeming Their ostensible goal was to clean up government corruption, but their real aim was to unseat the government.
a rectangular leather bag with a long strap, used especially in the past by children for carrying books to school The child takes a snack in a piece of paper or a satchel and there is nowhere to warm it
cow pie
there's no difference between frying pans and skillets, except where one word is used more predominantly over the other. "Skillet" is typically the more popular term in the Southern U.S.
piastujący urząd, obowiązujący (kogoś), ciążący (na 学び始める
officially having the named position We believe that it is incumbent on us to improve the market for our citizens. In order to be a good mayor, the incumbent should care about their citizens.
a meal literary Yet that simple repast was fit for a king
a person who uses money, food, a room in a house, etc. given by other people, but who gives nothing to them in exchange
The term kippering is used in slang to mean being immersed in a room filled with cigarette or other tobacco smoke
a connection to an electricity supply, a telephone network, the internet The campsite has water and electric hook-ups. video hook-up He entered his plea from the jail via a video hook-up.
Out there on the high seas, things are not as they should be.
wpasować do otworu, wpasować w rowek; przydział czasu na reklamy (w telewizji, radiu) 学び始める
We have enough advertisement materials to fill out our time slot. Is what I feel for you just another fact to be slotted into the great picture?
causing or showing too much interest in sexual matters a salacious book/joke/comment.
plasterek (ciasta), skrawek (nieba), pas (ziemi); drzazga 学び始める
fragment, shard. a very small, thin piece of something, usually broken off something larger There was a sliver of cake left on the plate. a sliver of glass Just a sliver of cake for me, please - I shouldn't really be having any.
poszukiwacz złota (badacz, poszukiwacz (minerałów)) 学び始める
: to explore an area especially for mineral deposits
zawierać wachlarz czegoś (duży zakres), obejmować szereg czegoś, CAŁĄ GAMĘ 学び始める
to encompass an entire range of something Her emotions ran the gamut from joy to despair. From car camping to backcountry treks, tents run the gamut in terms of design, materials, and features — not to mention capacity.
Charles had a penchant for getting in trouble. His penchant for conquests is well documented.
rozwiewać (np. wątpliwości, obawy), osłabiać, uspokoić (kogoś) uśmierzyć, złagodzić 学び始める
Many of those problems can be allayed with a little planning. They allayed my concerns at least for the time being.
An unpalatable fact or idea is unpleasant or shocking and therefore difficult to accept the unpalatable truth/facts about the war
pirat, zachowywać się jak pirat 学び始める
a person who attacked and stole from ships at sea, especially someone allowed by a government to do this in the 17th and 18th centuries
zmordowany, skonany postrzępiony 学び始める
extremely tired in a nervous or slightly worried way after a lot of mental or physical effort: burned or dried out after being in the sun or cooking for too long: It was a stressful day at work and by 5.00 I was completely frazzled. I'd only been in the sun a couple of hours and my back was frazzled. By the time I remembered about the meat it was frazzled.
zaplątać się (np. w sieć) uwikłać się (np. w konflikt 学び始める
to catch or involve someone in something unpleasant or dangerous from which it is difficult to escape be enmeshed in The whales are caught by being enmeshed in nets. She has become enmeshed in a tangle of drugs and petty crime.
nałożyć na talerz (jedzenie, aby było gotowe do podania) 学び始める
Plate up and finish with a drizzle of the salsa
What a tacky ending that would be. ticky-tacky
In this context, a little whimsy goes a long way.
wnosić (protest), zażalenie składać (oświadczenie) 学び始める
to make an official complaint about something: I'll have to lodge a complaint with Mrs. Baker. lodge a claim. The US lodged a formal protest against the arrest of the foreign reporters.
mieszkać, wynajmować (np. pokój), deponować, dawać na przechowanie; utknąć (o kości) 💱🦴 学び始める
to (cause to) become stuck in a place or position: to put something in a safe place: to pay rent to stay somewhere: A fish bone had lodged in her throat. You should lodge a copy of the letter with your solicitor. She lodged with Mrs Higgins when she first came to Cambridge.
zapisywać rezultat, notować rezultat 学び始める
They needed a bit of a ballsy character, I think.
someone who takes much more than a fair share of something, especially by eating too much: -- hog to take or use more than your share of something: You've eaten it all? You hog! He's always hogging the bathroom (= spending too much time in the bathroom, so that no one else can use it).
odkrycie kart, ostateczna rozgrywka, ujawnienie zamiarów 学び始める
an important argument that is intended to end a disagreement that has existed for a long time: The president is preparing for a showdown with Republicans over his plans to reform the economy. Millions of dollars were spent on lawyers in a courtroom showdown between the two companies. You can't win a showdown with a bluff.
I was silent, listening to the homely chucking of his trowel in the dirt. I chucked my job yesterday. She chucked a glass into the wall.
poświęcać dużo uwagi czemuś, przykładać dużo wagi czemuś 学び始める
to think that a particular thing is very important and to demand that it is done well or correctly: They're very hot on dress at work so she always looks very smart for the office. The company was always hot on health and safety in the workplace. She's very hot on environmental issues.
ujęcie, interpretacja (np. jakiejś informacji); podkręcenie piłki 学び始める
Your spin of that information is interesting. This is a different spin of the poem.
ustawic, przygotować krzesła i stoły w linii 学び始める
line the chairs and tables up
mazisty, brejowaty, papkowaty 学び始める
That sauce had a gloopy texture
If an argument or bad feeling festers, it continues so that feelings of hate or lack of satisfaction increase. If a cut or other injury festers, it becomes infected and produces pus: a festering sore. It's better to express your anger than let it fester inside you. a festering argument/dispute
The deal comes a year after an abortive attempt by management to buy the company.
pikantny (smak, dowcip) charakterystyczny (dla czegoś), oryginalny (np. owoc) 学び始める
exciting and slightly shocking, especially because of relating to or suggesting sex a racy story a racy style a racy advertisement racy swimwear She is trying to create a racier image for herself.
We can get something to drink in the interval.
wojowniczy, agresywny będący w stanie wojny, STRONA WOJUJĄCA 学び始める
In fact, most international belligerents eventually face off across the table and negotiate the war's end.
rozzłoszczony, podirytowany 学び始める
to make peevish or resentful: annoy peeve. suggests arousing fretful often petty or querulous irritation He was still peeved, but not sure what to do about it.
wypielęgnowany (np. ogród) 学び始める
This is the first garden and has always been the most manicured part of the site.
Zdarzenie, zbieg okoliczności 学び始める
chance or a chance situation, especially one producing a good result: coincidence By (a strange) happenstance they were both in Paris at the same time.
nieboszczyk, zmarły; przebrzmiały, niegdysiejszy (np. sława, młodość) 学び始める
A New Temperance Poem, in Memory of my Departed parents. The Church's Lamentation over Departed Greatness
giętki, elastyczny, gibki (o człowieku) smukły, z wdziękiem (o człowieku) 学び始める
She stood tall and had a willowy look about her. She was a willowy woman in a smart, dark dress.
a plant that is similar to grass, or the small seeds from this plant that can be eaten picture of millet
wyrzucać coś przez otwór, wytłaczać, wyciskać 学び始める
to form something by forcing or pushing it out, especially through a small opening
grupować, wrzucać do jednego worka 学び始める
Lumped together, these two groups were no more than 4000 strong. "They seem to have lumped people together as a group."
mięso kurczaka takie jak noga i udo 学び始める
wykrzyczeć serię przekleństw 学び始める
let out a row of expletives a word that is considered offensive: She dropped the book on her foot and let out a row/string of expletives.
the fact that someone is likely to behave in a particular way, especially a bad way: proclivity She's inherited from her father a propensity to talk too much. He's well-known for his natural propensity for indiscretion.
bordo kolor), wino bordoskie 学び始める
the personal male servant of a rich man, especially in the past Ask your valet to bring us some wine.
to admit that you have done something that someone else will not like: Fess up - it was you who ate that last piece of cake, wasn't it?
zdrowy rozsądek 🐎, umiejętność podejmowania właściwych decyzji i determinacja w ich wykonywaniu(potocznie) originally referred to common sense, but American English speakers adopted the word and took it in a new direction, using it to refer to the kind of courage or get-up-and-go that makes undertaking difficult things possible 学び始める
the ability to decide what is the best thing to do in a particular situation, and to do it with energy and determination have the gumption to She had the gumption to write directly to the company manager and persuade him to give her a job.
osoba zależna (na czyimś utrzymaniu) 学び始める
Opiates are not intended for use until all pain goes away.
poufna wiadomość, sekret(2) -- podły, wredny, 学び始める
confidential message low-down I heard a low-down on your brother and I want to share it with you. Wow, that was a low-down suggestion
mieszać komuś w głowie, robić komuś wodę z mózgu 学び始める
He wanted to space her out but I told her the truth.
oszalały, kopnięty, zwariowany 学び始める
nuts She's kinda bonkers, you know that.
Сладкое мясо, potrawa z trzustki jagnięcej lub cielęcej 学び始める
You're gonna love this deli. Their selection is out of this world.
górna granica ceny, próg cenowy Górna granica ceny za towar lub usługę ustalona przez rząd lub organ regulujący. 学び始める
The new lower price caps will take effect on July 1.
pieczeń mięsna co wygląda jak bochenek 学び始める
a thick slice of meat containing a T-shaped bone cut from the side of a cow
a type of grape that is used to make wine, or a wine that is made from one type of grape: Malbec, a red-wine varietal, represents a quarter of Argentina's wine exports
najważniejsza osoba, podpora, podstawa, fundament 学び始める
"To me that should be the linchpin of the report," h
piesek pokojowy, piesek salonowy 学び始める
A lap dog - the ultimate example of the talking class.
robienie z kogoś kozla ofiarnego 学び始める
It is not clear what effect that scapegoating would have on policy.
A viscous liquid is thick and sticky and does not flow easily. glutinous The above holds true only for non-viscous fluids.
tryumfowanie, rozradowanie 学び始める
He tried to keep the jubilation out of his voice.
rurka używana do wydobycia płynu z pojemnika, wyprowadzać, wypompować (nielegalnie, np. pieniądze) 🍷 学び始める
He siphoned €600,000 from company accounts to pay for his secret lifestyle.
tłoczenie🃏 proces wytłoczenia (wzory) 学び始める
to decorate an object, especially with letters, using special tools that make a raised mark on its surface: STAMP She handed me a business card with her name neatly embossed on it.
"In the hand it looks wonderful - only part of the gilding is lost," he said.
Oh here, let me help," Michael said, moving a trivet to the center of the table
Silverfish can live for a year or more without eating.
very obvious a patent lie a patent disregard of the law "No," he replied, with patent distaste.
wziąć z kogoś przykład, postępować według czyichś wskazówek 学び始める
take your cue from somebody to be strongly influenced by something or someone: The architects took their cue for the design of the new hotel from the nearby banks
Shelf-stable products last for a long time without having to be frozen or kept in a refrigerator: Eggs are shelf-stable if the shell is intact and they have not been cooked. In most of the US lard comes shelf-stable – it doesn’t need to be fridged.
If you allay a strong emotion felt by someone, such as fear or worry, you cause them to feel it less or to feel calm again: The government is trying to allay public fears/concern about the spread of the disease.
bezczelny, wierutny (np. kłamstwo) 学び始める
extremely bad in a way that is very noticeable: It was an egregious error for a statesman to show such ignorance. Even more egregious, they say, is to tell him what he can and cannot know. "But this is probably the most egregious case I have ever seen."
relating to a felony (= a serious crime that can be punished by one or more years in prison): They try to keep offenders away from the factors that influenced their felonious behaviour in the past. felonious assault She was found guilty of felonious assault with a bladed weapon.
spojrzenie, punkt widzenia 学び始める
an opinion about something We'd love to hear your take on this issue.
a treatment for cleaning the bowels by filling them with a liquid through the anus
podstęp, wziąć kogoś podstępem, wystawić do wiatru 学び始める
You won't double cross us again. We'll be ready this time. I don't want to double-cross them. I know they are dangerous
nadmierne zaparzanie kawy 学び始める
, rozchlapywać polewać (np. do szklanek) 学び始める
(of a liquid) to move around noisily in the bottom of a container, or to cause liquid to move around in this way by making rough movements: could hear you sloshing around in the bath. We sloshed through the puddles. She sloshed (= poured without care) some more brandy into her glass.
wsuwać, wtrząchnąć (jeść) 学び始める
As yet, there are no tables for noshing at the bakery.
tajny, potajemny, ukradkowy 学び始める
hidden or secret: opposite: overt Do you see evidence here of a campaign or a covert war? covert actions The government was accused of covert military operations against the regime
This almost androgynous person - someone who looks like a woman on the outside but is so beyond.
koić, łagodzić, uśmierzać 学び始める
placate The woman tried to mollify the impact of her report. I'm on my way to mollify a public relations problem.
lekko wzburzony (np. rzeka, jezioro) zmienny (wiatr) 学び始める
As they worked, the water began to get very choppy.
unpleasantly bright in colour or decoration:
This gave me such a start that the diary entry said, "Where he come from?"
a type of hard fat used in cooking, taken from around the kidneys of animals such as sheep and cows
(a piece of) a type of strong tissue found in humans in the joints (= places where two bones are connected) and other places such as the nose, throat, and ears: He has a torn cartilage in his knee.
a type of fish that lives in northern parts of the world and is usually caught for its eggs, which are eaten as caviar
plastyczny, ciągliwy (metal) 学び始める
A ductile metal can be bent or stretched easily. This is the softest and most ductile form of steel. He draws out that ductile gullibility in all of us.
nielegalnie wytwarzać alkohol, pędzić alkohol; nielegalne nagranie muzyki z koncertu, 学び始める
illegally made, copied, or sold:
dialog z fikcyjnym oponentem 学び始める
an angry speech or piece of writing that severely criticizes something or someone He launched into a long diatribe against the lack of action in Congress
nieporęczny (np. pakunek) niesprawny, niewydolny 学び始める
The process is a little bit unwieldy, but it works. Has it grown too large and unwieldy over the last 30 years?
I like Italy, Germany and sundry other European countries. Sundry distant relatives, most of whom I hardly recognized, turned up for my brother's wedding.
having a fat, round stomach Who's that potbellied man sitting over there? She owns a potbellied pig. After 20 years of heavy drinking, he has a massive potbelly.
to go up to or stop and speak to someone in a threatening way: I'm usually accosted by beggars and drunks as I walk to the station.
I'll clear them out if I can, and you may be able to hear my bugle when you're on your way.
blichtr, łańcuch świąteczny 🎄 学び始める
long pieces of thin, shiny material used as decoration, especially at Christmas: a Christmas tree decorated with tinsel
odpowiedni, sprawdzony, sprawdzający się, przynoszący oczekiwane efekty 学び始める
In my opinion, mozzarella is the go-to cheese for pizza
Yet again the Guardian does not want to be left behind when it comes to shameless warmongering.
(alkohol pity w celu złagodzenia objawów kaca) 学び始める
hair of the dog (that bit you) Perhaps a little hair of the dog that bit you would help?
nawiązać więź dzięki czemuś (np. wspólnym zainteresowaniom) 学び始める
We bonded over/through our passion for jogging”
podagra, artretyzm, dna moczanowa 学び始める
And the pain of the gout now gone from him
nagromadzenie, ODKŁADANIE SIĘ CZEGOŚ 学び始める
One bowl of millet was provided for every four men.
small animals and insects that can be harmful and are difficult to control when they appear in large numbers. an offensive word for people who are unpleasant and harmful to society Flies, lice, and cockroaches can all be described as vermin. He thought all terrorists were vermin
pojawić się w pełnym rynsztunku/uroczystym stroju 学び始める
Fill the pail with sand. It took several pails of water (= the amount a pail contains) to put out the fire.
niemowlęta karmione piersią 学び始める
An unweaned baby or young animal is still feeding on its mother's milk and has not started to eat other food, especially solid food: The children remained unweaned well beyond their first birthday. The kittens were unweaned and still dependent on their mother.
kryterium, podstawa, baza (do porównań) 学び始める
an established standard or principle by which something is judged: Until relatively recently, the Japanese car industry was the touchstone of international success.
powaga, poważne podejście 学び始める
seriousness and importance of manner, causing feelings of respect and trust in others: He's an effective enough politician but somehow he lacks the statesmanlike gravitas of a world leader.
Do not use a laxative without first talking to your doctor.
the outer covering of grain that is separated when making white flour. Bran is added to other foods because it contains a lot of the fibre needed for a healthy body wheat bran. Both these breakfast cereals have added bran.
przyżegać (przypalać tkanki) 学び始める
burn the skin or flesh of (a wound) with a heated instrument or caustic substance in order to stop bleeding or to prevent infection.
dać bomba, sensacja (np. szokująca informacja) 学び始める
a sudden and often unpleasant piece of news: My sister dropped a bombshell by announcing she was leaving her job.