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答え |
AI is contributing to a transformation of society “happening ten times faster and at 300 times the scale, or roughly 3,000 times the impact” 学び始める
w przybliżeniu, z grubsza
many fear that machines will make millions of workers redundant, causing inequality and unrest. 学び始める
zamieszki, niepokój, wzburzenie
superintelligent computers might not share mankind’s goals and could turn on their creators. 学び始める
skoczyć na kogoś, zaatakować kogoś
with artificial intelligence, we’re summoning the demon. 学び始める
Mr Musk frets about a future AI overlord becoming too powerful for humans to control. 学び始める
niepokoić się o, martwić się czymś
Such concerns have been prompted by astonishing recent progress in AI 学び始める
wywoływać (np. uczucia), wyzwalać
a field long notorious for its failure to deliver on its promises. 学び始める
AI technique called “deep learning”, which allows systems to learn and improve by crunching lots of examples rather than being explicitly programmed, 学び始める
To perform operations on; manipulate or process (numerical or mathematical data).
Romanian ballerina Alina Cojocaru—an exquisite artist 学び始める
znakomity, wyborny, wyśmienity
delicacy on stage belies a ferociously exacting temperament in the studio 学び始める
skryć, skrywać, dać mylne wyobrażenie, dawać mylne wyobrażenie
delicacy on stage belies a ferociously exacting temperament in the studio 学び始める
delicacy on stage belies a ferociously exacting temperament in the studio 学び始める
wymagający, rygorystyczny
Polunin was in an unreceptive mood 学び始める
Frederick Ashton’s Nocturne pas de deux is a masterly rendition of the battle of the sexes, 学び始める
the two dancers must find total reciprocity of technique and emotion. 学び始める
her torso jack-knifes under her extended leg. 学び始める
skręcić w niekontrolowany sposób, złożyć się jak scyzoryk
For the Royal Ballet his sudden defection was something of a backhander. 学び始める
sprzeniewierzenie się (wartościom, ideom), odstępstwo (od zasad), zdrada (np. lojalności)
For the Royal Ballet his sudden defection was something of a backhander. 学び始める
his Romeo debut, beamed live to cinemas around the world. 学び始める
nadawać, wysyłać (np. sygnał telewizyjny)
To see him demonstrate a movement is to see a blueprint of perfection. 学び始める
adding Nureyev’s feral impulse to Baryshnikov’s phenomenal virtuosity and clarity 学び始める
dziki, powtórnie zdziczały
And yet he was ricocheting out of control. 学び始める
rykoszet, odbijać się rykoszetem
beyond the arcane world of balletomanes 学び始める
nieprzenikniony, tajemniczy
he management was aware of “rumblings” 学び始める
Mason had championed him, but their rapport was professional 学び始める
orędować za czymś, opowiadać się za czymś
He’s quite mysterious and unfathomable. 学び始める
He reckoned he would be paid far more as a principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre 学び始める
myśleć, sądzić, przypuszczać
Instinctively solicitous, Polunin offered to carry my bag. 学び始める
He’s not me. He’s romantic, insipid. 学び始める
mdły, bezbarwny, pozbawiony wyrazu
He has a voracious appetite for books and London culture, 学び始める
zapalony, entuzjastyczny, chętny, ochoczy
niepocieszony, pogrążony w smutku (o osobie)
Galina Polunina seems about as fearsome as Dasha, 学び始める
she now works as a wardrobe mistress at the opera house. 学び始める
knowing that her dreams for him have rebounded on her 学び始める
odbijać się na kimś (o zdarzeniu)
Her consolation is a trove of memories 学び始める
Her consolation is a trove of memories 学び始める
an energetic baby, so pliable that the midwife who delivered him exclaimed with alarm 学び始める
giętki, sprężysty, elastyczny
she exclaimed with alarm when she manipulated his limbs 学び始める
He’d climb up the wall of the corridor and do somersaults over the sofa. 学び始める
a skinny seven-year-old whose innate dancer’s posture makes him stand out 学び始める
he slides into 180-degree splits 学び始める
a short, wiry man with glinting gold fillings 学び始める
a short, wiry man with glinting gold fillings 学び始める
He was 12 when she began entering him in fortnightly competitions. 学び始める
she was a pretty blonde seamstress who had left technical school at 16, 学び始める
a porter in a bread factory. 学び始める
living with in-laws proved too much of a strain 学び始める
obciążenie, stres, napięcie
even at the cost of forfeiting his love. 学び始める
the incredible looseness, 学び始める
volunteered to prepare and chaperone them. 学び始める
Erick would become a boarder 学び始める
pensjonariusz, osoba mieszkająca w internacie
Their husbands volunteered to pay for their keep by finding better jobs. 学び始める
Kiev’s State Choreographic Institute is a 1960s eyesore stuck way out in a rough suburb. 学び始める
Kiev’s State Choreographic Institute is a 1960s eyesore stuck way out in a rough suburb. 学び始める
wystawać, wysuwać do przodu
a park notorious for its muggings; 学び始める
her presence was reason in itself for Sergei’s half-heartedness 学び始める
brak entuzjazmu, brak przekonania
But I never thought of Galina as a despot 学び始める
his mother would cuff him on the head to get him to focus 学び始める
uderzyć lekko, trzepnąć (np. w ucho)
the arrogance of a ruttish young stag. 学び始める
the arrogance of a ruttish young stag. 学び始める
AFTER THE DILAPIDATION of the Kiev institute 学び始める
it started life as a hunting lodge built for King George II 学び始める
he was let off academic work 学び始める
puszczać wolno, puszczać płazem (zdecydować się nie karać kogoś za coś)
Sergei told Galina how tame the boys were 学び始める
nudny, nieciekawy, mdły, uległy
There was a unanimous realisation that someone with prodigious ability was in our midst 学び始める
There was a unanimous realisation that someone with prodigious ability was in our midst 学び始める
he didn’t strut about as though he knew that. 学び始める
puszyć się, pysznić się (czymś)
Sergei also had a soft spot for insects and rodents. 学び始める
there was still an adolescent gangliness about him 学び始める
patykowatość, niezgrabność
the intricate footwork at which English dancers excel 学び始める
zawiły, złożony, skomplikowany, misterny, powikłany
Sergei was allowed to move out into shared digs 学び始める
he found himself living in impressive squalor. 学び始める
a horse tranquilliser known to ravers as Special K. 学び始める
“Falling into a K-hole” can leave the user emotionally numb 学び始める
zdrętwiały, odrętwiały (np. z zimna)
with newly acquired muscular heft and strength 学び始める
all the crazily off-kilter tricks were there, 学び始める
all the crazily off-kilter tricks were there 学び始める
przekrzywiony, zwichrowany
none of the impish grace notes. 学び始める
figlarny, psotny, łobuzerski, szelmowski
he was cast in “a lot of rubbish”, he fell into a slump. 学び始める
spadek, zastój (w gospodarce), kryzys
a buggy, stroller, pushchair 学び始める
Now he began recapturing Kherson’s delinquent culture in north London’s underworld, 学び始める
przestępczy (o działaniu), naruszający prawo (o osobie)
putting money into a tattoo parlour run by a new friend 学び始める
salon (np. kosmetyczny, tatuażu, masażu)
red stripes of scarification 学び始める
płytkie nacięcie, płytkie zadrapanie skóry
He incised these himself. 学び始める
a disabled lavatory at the Opera House 学び始める
toaleta, ubikacja (o pomieszczeniu, budynku)
a disabled lavatory at the Opera House 学び始める
wyłączony, nieaktywny (np. o jakiejś funkcji)
By 21 Polunin had reached the pinnacle of his career 学び始める
He began looking for ways to augment the rush of performing, 学び始める
powiększać się, zwiększać się, rosnąć
turn a blind eye to something Colleagues turned a blind eye, 学び始める
przymykać na coś oko (udawać, że się czegoś nie widzi lub że się o czymś nie wie)
his cockily provocative tweets—such as “Does anybody sell heroin? 学び始める
z tupetem, z pewnością siebie
His upside-down clock was also taxing his home life. 学び始める
obarczać ciężarem, poddawać próbie
A buzz of anticipation in the foyer 学び始める
gwar, podniecenie, podekscytowanie
ten minutes of soulful emoting mixed with Soviet bravura 学び始める
uduchowiony, pełen emocji, głębokich uczuć
ten minutes of soulful emoting mixed with Soviet bravura 学び始める
odgrywanie uczuć (często o nieprzekonującej grze aktorskiej), wpadanie w egzaltację