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bombshell (here) piece of unexpected and shocking news 学び始める
bomba, sensacja (np. szokująca informacja)
(here) official orders to stop a country or organisation from trading or communication 学び始める
It was later sanctioned by the US Treasury for raising funds for the North Korean regime and being linked to a bank helping to fund the regime's nuclear weapons programme. 学び始める
It was later sanctioned by the US Treasury for raising funds for the North Korean regime and being linked to a bank helping to fund the regime's nuclear weapons programme. 学び始める
rządy autorytarne lub totalitarne
= cause. It can bring about serious consequences. 学び始める
spowodować coś, doprowadzić do czegoś
publicly praised for doing something good 学び始める
The problem was emerging from our long discussions 学び始める
Problem wyłaniał się z naszych długich dyskusji.)
He was indicted for crimes against humanity. 学び始める
postawiony w stan oskarżenia
The discovery of thousands of indigenous artefacts 学び始める
miejscowe / tubylcze dziła (rąk ludzkich)
More than 20,000 artefacts have been found in the excavation pits 学び始める
A military dog who lost a leg when sniffing out a roadside bomb in Afghanistan has been honoured at a ceremony in London 学び始める
wywąchać coś, wywęszyć coś
A rise in diabetes has prompted the government to start a healthy-eating campaign. 学び始める
to accuse someone officially of a serious crime 学び始める
zarzut, oskarżenie (w sądzie)
Indict is defined as to accuse or formally charge someone with a wrongdoing. An example of indict is someone being charged with a crime. 学び始める
So far, no one has been indicted in the case. 学び始める
It is not clear whether the company or any of its officials will be indicted. 学び始める
Indigenous people of North America. 学び始める
He tried to trap the animal in the pit he dug. 学び始める
the process of digging in the ground to find things from the past archaeological excavations 学び始める
A pot or tool made by ancient Roman people and dug up by archaeologists is an example of an artefact. 学び始める
A pot or tool made by ancient Roman people and dug up by archaeologists is an example of an artefact. 学び始める