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/ˈrævɪdʒ/ 学び始める
(v) to damage something badly The country was ravaged by civil war.
(massacre) wymordować, (in butchery) ubi|ć, (n) the cruel killing of large numbers of people at one time, especially in a war / the killing of animals for their meat. "It's common to s______ cows for their meat."
/ˈklæmər/ 学び始める
głośno domagać się czegoś (v) (formal) to demand something loudly / (of many people) to shout loudly, especially in a confused way A crowd of reporters clamoured around the car.
/ɪnˈmeʃt/ 学び始める
zaplątać się w coś [net, rope]; uwikłać się w coś [conflict]; (formal) to involve somebody/something in a bad situation that it is not easy to escape from
be indigenous to (somewhere) /ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs/ 学び始める
[tribe, population] tubylczy, [flora, fauna, custom] lokalny (adj) native / belonging to a particular place rather than coming to it from somewhere else The Aboriginals are the indigenous people of Australia.
/dredʒ/ 学び始める
wydobywać na powierzchnię, odgrzebywać (phr. v) (usually disapproving) to mention something that has been forgotten, especially something unpleasant or embarrassinge The papers keep trying to dredge up details of his past love life.
/ˈtrɪbjəteri/ 学び始める
a stream or river that flows into a larger river I was on Lyne Water at the time, a tributary of the River Tweed.
to make concessions (to sb) /kənˈseʃən/ 学び始める
pójść na ustępstwa (wobec kogoś) (n) something that you allow or do, or allow somebody to have, in order to end an argument or to make a situation less difficult The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike.
/rɪˈsɜːrdʒənt/ 学び始める
[economy, hope, nationalism, state] odradzający się (adj) becoming stronger or more popular again Resurgent nationalism is sweeping through the country again.
/ˌkɑːlənəˈzeɪʃən/ 学び始める
(n) The act of sending a group of settlers to (a place) to establish political control over it. Crabs are among the first animals to colonize the new vent sites.
(phr. v) to use all of something so that there is none left Making soup is a good way of using up leftover vegetables.
to make a breakthrough in sth 学び始める
(n) an important development that may lead to an agreement or achievement. This drug could be a major breakthrough for cancer treatment.
/dɪsˈrʌpʃən/ 学び始める
(n) a situation in which it is difficult for something to continue in the normal way /// (n) a situation in which it is difficult for something to continue in the normal way The strike caused serious disruptions.
/ˌʌnˈtæpt/ 学び始める
[reserve, talent, skills] niewykorzystany (adj) available but not yet used There are u______ oil resources beneath this country.
(n) the act of using energy, food or materials; the amount used. /// the act of buying and using products The meat was declared unfit for human consumption.
(of frog) rechot; (of crow) krakanie; (of person) chrapliwy głos (v) to make a rough low sound, like the sound a frog makes. A frog croaked by the water.
/skriːtʃ/ 学び始める
[person, animal] wrzasnąć; [tyres] zapiszczeć (v) to make a loud high unpleasant sound /// to say something using this sound. "Monkeys were screeching in the trees." or "No, don't!, she screeched"
/tʃɜːrp/ 学び始める
(n/v) a short high sound made by small birds and some insects. "I could hear birds chirping in the trees outside"
(n/v) to make a very loud, deep sound. "The lion roared angrily."
(n/v) to make a short high sound that is not very loud. "The mouse s_____ed and ran away" or "My new shoes s_____ as I walk."
paplać, ćwierkać, [teeth] dzwonić (v) (of birds or monkeys) to make a series of short high sounds / (of teeth) to knock together continuously because you are cold or frightened / to talk quickly and continuously, especially about things that are not important She chattered excitedly like a child. /// A teleprinter was chattering away in the corner.
/hʌm/ 学び始める
[person] nucić, (insect) brzęczeć to sing a tune with your lips closed /// to make a low continuous sound
/haʊl/ 学び始める
zawyć z wściekłości/z bólu (of a dog, wolf, etc.) to make a long, loud cry / to make a loud cry when you are in pain, angry, amused
/bɑːrk/ 学び始める
a short loud sound made by a gun or a voice
/ˈbeləʊ $ -loʊ/ 学び始める
(n/v) a shout in a loud deep voice, especially when you are angry How dare you?!', he bellowed.
/dɪˈpliːʃən/ 学び始める
(of reserves, funds) uszczuplenie (n) the reduction of something by a large amount so that there is not enough left. Many scientists are concerned by the depletion of the o-zone layer.
(phr. v) to try harder to prevent an illegal activity and deal more severely with those who are caught doing it The police are trying to crack down on online piracy and bring the culprits to justice.
wymierzyć [punishment, fine], (phr. v) (informal) to give advice, a punishment He's always h____ing o___ advice to people.
(phr. v) to make something fall down by cutting it at the base It's a shame that so many trees have been cut down in the recent past.
zmieść z powierzchni ziemi (phr. v) to destroy or remove somebody/something completely The whole village was wiped out by the enemy army. They took no prisoners and killed everyone.
/əˈɡeɪnst $ əˈɡenst/ 学び始める
sta|nąć wobec (czegoś) [problem, prejudice, opposition] (phr. v) to be faced with or opposed by somebody/something We expect to c___ u__ a_____ a lot of opposition to the plan.
(phr. v) to become extinct A long time ago, the dinosaurs died out.
(phr. v) to become popular or successful again Long hair seems to be coming back into fashion again for men.
/ˈdeɪnti/ 学び始める
(adj) (of people and things) small and delicate in a way that people find attractive. I really like these d_____ little cups.
/ˈɡrʌmpi/ 学び始める
(bad-tempered) zrzędliwy, (surly) gburowaty (adj) bad-tempered Don't listen to that angry old fool. He's just a grumpy old man.
/ˈlævɪʃ/ 学び始める
[person, gift] hojny, [meal] suty (adj) large in amount, or impressive, and usually costing a lot of money They received lavish gifts for their wedding.
/ˈwɪstfəl/ 学び始める
(adj) thinking sadly about something that you would like to have, especially something in the past that you can no longer have There was something rather wistful about the sad little tune.
/dɪˈtɜːrənt/ 学び始める
(n) making somebody less likely to do something The nuclear deterrent protects us from foreign attack.
(n) small problems that a company, product, system, etc. has at the beginning New cars often suffer from teething problems.
(adj) not complicated It's really s____. You just press this button and the machine does the rest.
twiːk/ 学び始める
(v) to make slight changes to a machine, system, etc. to improve it /// to pull or twist something suddenly I think you'll have to t____ these figures a little before you show them to the boss.
(adj) behaving in a secret and sometimes dishonest or unpleasant way I don't trust him. I think he's up to his sneaky tricks again.
to move slowly and quietly towards an animal or a person, in order to kill, catch or harm it or them I like watching my cat stalking birds in the back garden.
(adj) giving the best possible profit or benefits in comparison with the money that is spent They say CCTV is a cost-effective way of fighting crime.
włóczyć się po (czymś) [shops, villages] (v) to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction. The sheep are allowed to roam freely here.
(expression) without planning I decided to do it on a whim. I just thought 'why not?' and I signed up at the last minute."
(expression) to help smb relax. I was a bit worried, but her calm manner really put me at ease.
(phrasal verb) to make yourself free of somebody/something that is annoying you or that you do not want; to throw something away I can't rid of this headache."
nabrać dystansu (do czegoś) (phrasal verb) to think about a situation calmly, as if you are not involved in it yourself. It's important to be able to stepped back from things and not to see things so subjectively in the heat of the moment.
[sounds, wind] ucichnąć; [rain] ustać (phrasal verb) (of a noise) to gradually get quieter. I heard the car zoom past and then the noise dying away as it got further and further away from where I was hiding.
[pej] dawać dobre rady [ironicznie]