質問 |
答え |
The company you work for is well-known for its job security. 学び始める
pewność stałego zatrudnienia
You were suddenly made redundant. 学び始める
zwolnić kogoś (w ramach redukcji etatów)
You received a promotion. 学び始める
You were given an increment. 学び始める
You receive regular perks as part of your job. 学び始める
dodatkowe profity (firmowy samochód, telefon)
You worked unsociable hours. 学び始める
pracować w nietypowych godzinach
adverse working conditions You had adverse working conditions. 学び始める
niekorzystne warunki pracy
She calculates salaries, wages, pension contributions and medical insurance contributions of all the staff. 学び始める
She calculates salaries, wages, pension contributions and medical insurance contributions of all the staff. 学び始める
She calculates salaries, wages, pension contributions and medical insurance contributions of all the staff. 学び始める
medical insurance contributions She calculates salaries, wages, pension contributions and medical insurance contributions of all the staff. 学び始める
składki na ubezpieczenie medyczne
You suddenly found yourself unemployed. 学び始める
You took time off work because of repetitive strain injury. 学び始める
syndrom RSI, uraz spowodowany chronicznym przeciążeniem mięśni i ścięgien
Your office where you work has sick building syndrome. 学び始める
zespół szczelnego budynku (zespół dolegliwości dotykających mieszkańców danego budynku z powodu złej jakości powietrza w tymże)
Somebody called you a workaholic. 学び始める
Your company doesn't give you many incentives. 学び始める
Your boss announces that there is going to be some downsizing of the workforce. 学び始める
zmniejszenie firmy przez redukcję zatrudnienia, redukcja zatrudnienia
Your work didn't offer much job satisfaction. 学び始める
Your company has a generous incentive scheme. 学び始める
You received a commission for the work you have done. 学び始める
You received support from a union. 学び始める
You were forced to resign. 学び始める
You received a cut in your salary. 学び始める
Your company gave you sickness benefit. 学び始める
You found your job very demanding. 学び始める
She is a semi-skilled blue collar worker in a manufacturing industry. 学び始める
She is a semi-skilled blue collar worker in a manufacturing industry. 学び始める
She is a semi-skilled blue collar worker in a manufacturing industry. 学び始める
She is a self-employed and works full time. 学び始める
zatrudniony na własny rachunek
She is a self-employed and works full time. She is a full-time white-collar worker in a service industry. 学び始める
She likes to describe herself as freelance. 学び始める
wolny zawód, niezależny, pracujący na własny rachunek
She's responsible for hiring and firing. 学び始める
zatrudnianie i zwalnianie
She is a full-time white-collar worker in a service industry. 学び始める
She is a full-time white-collar worker in a service industry. 学び始める
przemysł usługowy / sektor usług
She's an unskilled part-time employee. 学び始める
She's an unskilled part-time employee. 学び始める
w niepełnym wymiarze godzin
She's an unskilled part-time employee. 学び始める
zatrudniony (osoba zatrudniona)