Kitchen vocabulary in Luxembourgish
Learn useful kitchen vocabulary to enhance your Luxembourgish!
Learn a variety of fruits and vegetable names in Luxembourgish by means of flashcards!
A kitchen contains plenty of useful and essential kitchenware, memorize the word for each of them!
We also provide you with a list of fundamental verbs frequently used in recipes, allowing you to better understand the different steps you have to follow to prepare your favorite dish!
You’ll see that mastering this course is as easy as pie!
Luxembourgish in 1 dayKitchen vocabulary in LuxembourgishTop 500 Luxembourgish verbsTop 1000 Luxembourgish nounsLuxembourgish: day 2 Small Talk in LuxembourgishLuxembourgish for childrenLuxembourgish Words: Top 300 adjectives and adverbs
Luxembourgish in 1 dayKitchen vocabulary in LuxembourgishTop 500 Luxembourgish verbsTop 1000 Luxembourgish nounsLuxembourgish: day 2 Small Talk in LuxembourgishLuxembourgish for childrenLuxembourgish Words: Top 300 adjectives and adverbs