質問 |
答え |
She thinks they look down on her because she doesn't have a job. 学び始める
The governor is proposing to do away with the state transportation department. 学び始める
pozbyć się kogoś/czegoś, przestać używać
If you come up against difficulties, let me know and I'll help out. 学び始める
radzić sobie z trudną sytuacją
Henry is always naughty in class, but he gets away with it because the teacher likes him. 学び始める
Henry jest zawsze niegrzeczny na zajęciach, ale uchodzi mu to na sucho, ponieważ nauczyciel go lubi.
I can put up with the house being messy, but I hate it if it's not clean. He's so moody - I don't know why she puts up with him. 学び始める
The business meeting went through despite the fact that many participants were late. 学び始める
czytać uważnie, przebrnąć Spotkanie biznesowe doszło do skutku mimo spóźnienia wielu uczestników.
You'll never guess the answer - do you give in? 学び始める
Mary gets on a bus number 9 to get to work. 学び始める
wsiadać (np. do autobusu) lubić kogoś Marysia wsiada do autobusu numer 9, aby dojechać do pracy.
The meeting has been put off for a week. I can't put off going to the dentist any longer. 学び始める
The plane took off on time. 学び始める
zdejmować Samolot wystartował o czasie.
Kate didn't turn up at the lecture yesterday. 学び始める
Kasia nie pojawiła się wczoraj na wykładzie.
She brushed their objections aside, saying "Leave it to me." 学び始める
She always falls for older men. I said I was an art collector, and they fell for it. 学び始める
How is Frances making out in her new job? 学び始める
dawać sobie radę, rozumieć
If you don't hear from the builders this week, make sure you chase them up. I must chase my flatmate up about those bills and see if she paid them. 学び始める
ponaglać, przyciskać kogoś
You can leave the butter out of this recipe if you're on a low-fat diet. 学び始める
Do you have anything on for tomorrow afternoon? 学び始める
My aunt fell over on a slippery pavement last Saturday. 学び始める
wywracać się/przewracać się Moja ciocia przewróciła się na śliskim chodniku w zeszłą sobotę.
She moved over to let me pass. 学び始める
read sth over/through I read your proposal through last night and I think we'll agree to it. Always read over your work when you've finished. 学び始める
I'd like to talk it over with my wife first. 学び始める